Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Clear Ballistics "Gelatin" boils Dutch over

So a friend posts a picture of this ballistics gelatin and immediately I notice the coloration.
My interest in colorless gelatin is peeked, usually gelatin has a yellowed hue to it.  I'm curious about the process to achieve this glass like look to a protein. 

After getting my grubby mitts on a chunk of this stuff I knew immediately it was faaaaaaar from an actual gelatin.   Ok... No biggie,  right?

Right... But...
When someone says ballistics gelatin it sets into motion a certain material and mind set of said material,  again non issue.

I proceeded to the website:

At fist glance... "Friggin aye!" An American company providing American jobs and services to Americans and american depts,agencies and so on.
I'm thinking "Clear Ballistcs, you have my attention!"
Huge respect at this beginning point

But then,  reading through the information, I can't count on my hands and feet how many times they refer to the product as "Our Ballistics Gelatin" 
So much so, I felt slimey and lied to after half way through the information offered.  I felt they were trying to convince me of some proprietary knowledge and amazing new "gelatin"

Being a practioner of science on a daily basis and using products either EXACTLY the same or very similar drives me to a point of view concerning Clear Ballistics and the slight MISINFORMATION with concerns to the customer base. "THIS SHIT PISSES ME OFF!"
I offer a simple lesson, some questions and concerns...

First,  ballistics...   No need to explain,  if you need a definition... Clearly you live in a world of  rainbows and unicorns that crap multiflavored jelly beans. Where we all get along , drive Prius'  and live together of the same exact media fed opinions we self righteously justify to meet the expectations of our skill-less peers whom you hold in such high regards... 

Uh-hmmm,  off my soapbox

Back to simple science and explanations, ballistics being covered... We can move to gelatin.

Gelatin simply put- is a flavorless semi solid material,  a by-product of domestic animals/partially 
Hydrolysed collagen.  We all know its many uses as a filler, binder, delivery system in many processes.  Another favorite use for it is as a topical haemostatic.  Topic for a product review, not rant.

Back on target...

The company does casually mention the product is synthetic somewhere.  Maybe it's just me,  if its synthetic... By definition (my product knowledge & usage) you can look it up too) the marketing of this product in reference to the constant barrage of "OUR BALLISTICS GELATIN" is a gross misdirection/misinformation of products knowledge to the consumer whom may or may not understand the difference in materials.

That said,  not everyone needs a Phd in organic/inorganic chemistry. And...  I'm a firm believer in " if it works and meets spec, good to go" I pose some questions one should always ask...

~If its synthetic, what is it?
~being reclaimable, do I want to expose myself, my family,my belongings, my work place to this?
~Where's the MSDS of information on how to deal with this stuff if a health or combustable incident/accident should happen.
~How does product continuity factor in, when I de-gas( remove air bubbles ) from this product in a crockpot/oven/oor fucking campfire for that matter at home or work. Exposing what other chemicals to be gassed out. 
Maybe I'm the Dumby here...  Or need a lesson, or need to do some serious "OUR BALLISTICS GELATIN" testing with a larger block than the provided muffin tin sample. Degassing any synthetic poly siloxanes (silicones) should be done by at minimal,  a technician... In a vac-chamber, or pressure pot.  Upon doing this, you can achieve the consistent and controlled output of durometer, shore(hardness/softness)  and more... To achieve the FBI specifications.

Synthetic~ this word implys "made artificially". Simple right?
Silicone~ more accurately referred to as poly siloxanes-an inorganic-organic polymer of qualities meaning heat resistant, inert synthetic polymer.  NOT...GELATIN

Do you want to be cooking this crap at home or work with no proper protective measures in place? I certainly do!  but,  thats what we here at Adventure Dynamics are about! informing YOU about products YOU wanna use.  Testing shit to the limits, so YOU dont have too!   Im sure FDA approved means something to somebody,  most certainly not this guy.

Its irresponsible and just plain douchebaggy to market "OUR BALLISTICS GELATIN" as a gelatin.

I give the company 1 of 5 stars for this review/ rant
 One full star for being Merican company
NO star for douchebag marketing methodology

The product itself gets 5 stars and truely is a kick ass product, and a kick ass idea for a ballistics medium of an existing material.  Revolutionary,  really...   The uses are limitless
Good on ya mate!
      You can even out a wobbly table

If you decide to use this product,  do your homework.  As always be informed on what you are fuckin around with.
      You can keep a pesky door open.

As for Clear Ballistics,  I would gladly change/retract this review/rant if a choice of responsible words is used

Speaking of responsible usage, here the author demonstrates the "Teeth Magnificator" properties of Clear Ballistics  "Gel"

~Dutch Uh'Vins

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