Monday, January 27, 2014


Jumping Jesus on a pogostick…

This shit is on my Facebook newsfeed every few minutes, all over my favorite forums and even in my friggin email folder now.

The state of ammunition development is pretty advanced right now. There are some great self-defense hollow point designs and even the old stuff worked pretty well. I am all for newer and better technology, but it has to show a demonstrative improvement over existing technology to make it worth buying.

Based on the high speed advertising, the buzz saw, toothy stuff advertised here appears the offer all of the shitty wounding power of the frangibles combined with a super lightweight, over penetrating center projectile. It looks impressive as hell coming out of that Glock 18. Nobody I know uses a Glock 18.

These don't appear to offer anything better and may actually offer LESS than using standard JHP designs.

As with everything new, it looks exciting and they have packaged it in an attractive, glossy ad to appeal to your inner Rambo.

Our recommendation: steer clear. It's the P.T. Barnum business model and YOU are the sucker born to which he is referring.


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