Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dyeing ACUs revisited: Revenge of the Tan

  The Research Team was hard at work again, trying to find solutions to life's big problems.
  Last night's research revealed some fascinating data.
1. Tan ain't so hot for this project. The first set in the dye sucked up all the color and, while it definitely appears to be an improvement over the original color, we are going to deem it a waste of time.
2. That time could have been spent answering the phone when the head researcher's girlfriend called to ask if he wanted In N Out.
From Left: Green Dyed ACU from the first batch, Undyed $5B ACU sets, and a set of MarPat Desert as an example of a GOOD arid camo pattern.

The product. About $2.50 at your favorite retail outlet.

     Alchemy! Science! #WimminzWerk

The first set into the dye really sucked out all of the color, so subsequent sets were almost unaffected. If you insist on doing tan, expect one bottle to yield one set of dyed ACUs.

                     Final results.
From Left: Green dyed ACUs, undyed control ACUs, best case tan dyed ACUs, MarPat desert.

          The picture of failure.
Left: Undyed ACUs, center: Best case tan dyed ACUs, right: WTF happened here? tan dyed ACUs after the first set.

Conclusions: Just about anything you do to ACUs is an improvement to their camoflauge capabilities, including shit them or spill In N Out Burger special sauce on the leg. Tan might work if left in for an extended period and only on one set, so you'll lose a little of the frugality factor. Just remember to monitor your phone or you'll have to share a drink and she will forget to bring you peppers. How the fuck am I supposed to enjoy a Double Double without the peppers?!

-G. Monkey

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Monday, January 27, 2014


Jumping Jesus on a pogostick…

This shit is on my Facebook newsfeed every few minutes, all over my favorite forums and even in my friggin email folder now.

The state of ammunition development is pretty advanced right now. There are some great self-defense hollow point designs and even the old stuff worked pretty well. I am all for newer and better technology, but it has to show a demonstrative improvement over existing technology to make it worth buying.

Based on the high speed advertising, the buzz saw, toothy stuff advertised here appears the offer all of the shitty wounding power of the frangibles combined with a super lightweight, over penetrating center projectile. It looks impressive as hell coming out of that Glock 18. Nobody I know uses a Glock 18.

These don't appear to offer anything better and may actually offer LESS than using standard JHP designs.

As with everything new, it looks exciting and they have packaged it in an attractive, glossy ad to appeal to your inner Rambo.

Our recommendation: steer clear. It's the P.T. Barnum business model and YOU are the sucker born to which he is referring.


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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Glock 42, S&W Shield, KelTec P3AT side by side

Everybody in the firearms world seems to have a strong opinion about the Glock 42. I'm a pretty big Glock fan but I am the first to say I think that a lot of what they release is driven by the vanity of the company's founder. It seems, to me at least, that Glock releases what Glock wants you to have.

   A lot of the criticism of the G42 is that it should be 9mm. Glock fans have clamored for 20 years for a single stack 9mm Glock. Smith & Wesson introduced the M&P Shield to siphon off some of that demand and it has been hugely successful. 

My opinion? The G42 is too big for a .380. Compared to a KelTec P3AT it's too big to be a pocket gun and has the same capacity. It's too small to be a real fighting pistol. It does have a nice trigger, assuming you like Glocks. 

Anyway, I'll shut up because you probably already have an opinion and you just need validation for it.

Side by side top view.

G42 laying seductively over the Shield. It's OK if you need a minute alone.

Overall, the G42 is a bit smaller and slimmer.

Here is a shot of the KT .380 (bottom) and the SW Shield (top) making a G42 sammich. Pass the FrogLube (shameless plug). 

Getting out of pocket pistol territory, splitting the difference, fish nor fowl, or some other overused phrase.

Magazines for the three featured pistols.

Edited 1/27 to add magazine photos as requested.

If you like this stuff, check us out on Facebook and YouTube and share this with your friends.
If you don't like it, go fuck yerself. 
And then tell your friends. 

-G. Monkey


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Round one, Green ACUs that don't look like cat shit

Welcome to the first installment of the Tactical Adventure Research Dynamics BLOG. There is a lot of information available on the internet and we know that your time is precious. That's why you spend all fucking day on Facebook, Snapchatting or fucking Pinteresting.
Today's drop is a little tale about making lemonade out of piss and how the US Guv'mint fucked you, then threw all that work to the wind and fucked you again.
   Sometime around the turn of the century, the Marines saw the Canadians cool new CADPAT and they commissioned their own, complete with big, fat self-congratulatory logo built right in. The Army, not to be outdone, tried to use the MARPAT and got shot down. That sent them into a fit of epic proportions which resulted in the camo trials of 2002. Several manufacturers submitted quality patterns based on millions of private research dollars. All rejected for the Army's pet project, a $5billion boondoggle we call ACU. ACU is actually incorrect, as the pattern is actually UCP, Universal Camoflauge Pattern.  UNIVERSALLY FUCKING AWFUL!! The pattern, comprised of Desert Sand 500, Urban Gray 501 and Foliage Green 502, all in a series of digital shades designed to blend in a multitude of environments. It fails. Everywhere. Except for the famous couch photo.

  We aren't going to go into the extent of the failure, just remind you again that the US Army fucking wasted $5billion of YOURS and MY dollars to create a pattern that was universally panned and is now being replaced by the same fucking Crye MultiCam that was submitted in 2002 and began service in Afghanistan as the Operation Enduring Freedom Camoflauge Pattern.
What is the point of all of this? Well, now the US Government is going to surplus a metric and standard shit-ton of that gawd awful patterned gear and uniforms. For the hobbyist, adventurer, airsofter, cosplayer, and Tier One Patriot Opeerator, this means an influx of dirt cheap, total shit gear. Not to worry, we are going to teach you how to make that stuff useable.

Pictured, from left, is 1. a new, unused set (our control), 2. a used set that has been lightly dyed, 3 and 4 used sets from Tactical Adventure Research Dynamics member "The Beef"* from his active duty service in AFG.

First, you need some RIT dye. It's that stuff hippy chicks use to make tie dye. For this batch, we chose RIT Dark Green. You may want to add rubber gloves, unless you don't mind that "I just fisted the Statue of Liberty" look. Salt is part of the equation as well, but you will read the instructions and see it, right? Seriously, RTFM**.

 We used a 5 gallon Homer Bucket from Home Depot in the bath tub with a piece of PVC pipe for a stir stick.

Each set was in the dye for about 45 minutes. Then it got rinsed in the tub and carried in the bucket to the washer. Make sure you run a rinse cycle after you pull them out so your wife doesn't put her White Queen outfit in their and turn it green like lucky charms. Toss these in the dryer (No, we don't know what setting, we do man shit here, laundry is only a necessity and done like all domestic chores, half-assed).
Once they are dry, you have a set of useable camo uniforms that should not break the bank. We will probably do a few sets in brown to try them in the arid zones near our compound, but for now, this is the result.
Same order as above. The photos don't do justice to the HUGE improvement. Our finely calibrated, tactical eyeballs will attest to the improvement. Not that you even need to take our word for it, could this pattern possibly be any worse? No. We could rub cat shit all over it and it would be an improvement. Your mileage may vary.

And there you have it.

 * The Beef  is a kickass operator with experience in both Iraq and Afghanistan as a soldier in this very bullshit camo and as a private contractor, helping your government waste your money in far flung places that you really don't give two shits about. he is also always bitching about how he doesn't have a cool nickname. "Shed Steve","Crazy Richard", "Roscoe", "Moose", "Booger"...and somehow "The Beef" feels left out. We all think it's cool as fuck. Show him some love in the comments and maybe he'll text you pics of his epic beard.

**Read The Fucking Manual